Often times I hear some people ask why a good and loving God will allow us go through challenges: sicknesses, financial hardships etc, that if He truly loves us, He will take away all the challenges from us.

Undoubtedly, God's love for mankind is unquestionable and undeniable and that is why He gave His ONLY son to save the world. We all should just know that  becoming a child or follower of Christ does not make one immune to trouble-free life because the god of this world (Satan, the devil) is still in control of it.

Strangely, recently I heard a man who could be adjudged a  "born again Christian". He said: I don't smile or laugh because the world is full of wickedness, sicknesses suffering, maiming etc. After I listened keenly, I thought to myself that this is a show of lack of knowledge of the WORD. No wonder the holy book says that my people perish/destroyed for lack of knowledge.

The truth is that he is not alone in this thought, some people think that because we have confessed Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour then challenges is not meant for us. But hear what the Bible says in John 16:33 NLT "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble but take heart, I have overcome the world"

In this world, adversity will certainly strike but it is not God's plan for you to suffer and live a miserable life but for you to be in good health, prosper and have a desired end. The devil brings all manner of challenges and afflictions our way all in a bid to choke our faith in God. The challenges simply come to test and solidify our faith. That is why we need to build our faith in Christ to the highest level as to enable us handle these challenges when they come because certainly they will come.

Assuredly, Romans 8:28 says ALL things worketh  together for good for to them that love Him therefore, it means that the challenges He allows in our lives are part of the "working together of all things for good". God also assures us that no trial will test us beyond our ability to bear it and he will also provide a way out so that we can stand up to it.
So from henceforth no matter the challenge, BE OF GOOD CHEER!!!
Shalom! Remain blessed and stay connected.


Sometimes in life, situations are going to occur when you look  around and you can't  find anyone to help you, but I want to  remind you of His word that says "they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint and those that put their trust in the Lord  CANNOT be put to shame".

But while you are waiting on the Lord, don't be idle, be diligent in what you do- "seeth thou a man diligent in his work, for he shall stand before kings and queens and not ordinary men". While waiting on Him, engage your mind and create multi-billion dollar ideas. You have the ability and grace to create witty inventions, it's inside of you- challenge yourself and you will see it manifest.

While you are waiting,  don't be afraid to take calculated risks because the most successful people in life are the risk takers.  Robert Kuok said (the richest man in Malaysia) "be bold when you see an opportunity, if you are afraid you will never get rich. Bro don't wait for that Uncle to give you money to travel abroad or to start a business, wake up hit the street and work. Babe, don't wait for that guy to pay your bills- he is not your ATM (don't get it twisted lol), find something legitimate and do, get busy- there is dignity in labour.

You may have done  a business in the past and it went bad, hey! Stop mourning your past, start a new one. Remember, the righteous falls seven times and guess what! he rises again.  Wake up from your slumber! Today is November 2nd , and you still have 59 cool days to achieve those dreams and to start that vision you wrote down earlier this year.

I will close with words of Nick Vijucic (a man born without arms and legs) " it is a lie for you to think you are not worth anything, do your best and do leave the rest for God"

Happy new month pals, Shalom and remain blessed  stay connected.


 It indeed calls for serious attention on how people are busy chasing shadows instead of the substance, what do i mean? people have ignored the main thing and they are busy going after result (Miracles) without first applying the principle (which is Seeking His kingdom). The bible is explicit on this in Matt 6:33- seek ye FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness and EVERY other thing (including any type of miracle ) Shall be added unto you. 
 That is to say the once your primary purpose is to seek God's kingdom, miracles just flows naturally to you. then you don't have to run from  church to church or prayer house to prayer house seeking for 'miracles'. why not sit down in one place and genuinely seek God's kingdom.
I don't mean just sitting in church, but becoming interested in what God is interested in.Looking for ways to contribute to the expansion of the Kingdom by investing all that God has blessed you with into the is important you note that without  miracles Christianity will be a sham. don't get it twisted - miracle is an integral part of Christianity. 
I know someone will ask how do one seek God's kingdom? I will explain that in the next episode... Shalom!

Pursue Knowledge or Remain Stagnant

 Knowledge is power they say but not all knowledge produces power especially when it is not used productively. It's only knowledge that is acted upon that produces power.
Knowledge is the state of awareness or understanding gained from experience or study or having a specific information about something. This means that someone has the resourcefulness to obtain and criticize useful and informative information in order to become well informed and make intelligent decisions based on his understanding and awareness of everyday situations. Does having knowledge make someone powerful? Well, power is the ability or capacity to act or perform effectively. Without knowledge, how can this ability to perform effectively be possible? It cannot indeed. This shows that knowledge is the vital tool to gaining power.
Knowledge is an inherent part of living and growth. Every creature on earth has knowledge whether it is instinctive or developed. Knowledge is indeed power, the more one knows, the more one will be able to advance in life and will be able to control events/circumstances around him or her.
Knowledge liberates, but nowadays its shocking how some people are mentally lazy both intellectually and spiritually and as such they live their lives at the mercy of those who are more knowledgeable because they are ignorant or simply have refused to learn. Ignorance is the absence of knowledge and it leads to destruction and setbacks.
Regrettably, some Christians fall prey to some petty challenges because they have refused to subject themselves to thorough study to get knowledge as to liberate themselves. Only the truth that comes through right knowledge can set one free. John 8:32.
The unfortunate part is that some Christians blame the devil for almost all their misfortune (note that the devil has his wicked part). But a cursory look at most human challenges are basically based on lack of knowledge. No wonder the scripture says that God's people perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6

I have also carefully observed and discovered that most people who we believe are successful are problem solvers. And you cannot become a problem solver when you don't have knowledge. Unless you want to spend your life in a child-like state of inability, you will naturally pursue at least some amount of knowledge i.e developing yourself by acquiring skills to equip yourself. The good news is this : the knowledge you need most times to overcome the issues of life and excel is in your arsenal (your brain) waiting to be harnessed and used effectively to turn the world into a beautiful place.
Remember, the knowledge you need is within reach. It's inside a book or CD near you. Acquire knowledge today and change your life. 
Remain blessed and stay connected for the next episode.


I, often times, observe people talk without considering the implication of what they say. Words are beyond sounds by air passing through your larynx.
Of all the creatures on this planet, only man has the ability to communicate through spoken words. Words have real power and it is a unique gift from God. God spoke the universe into existence through the power of His word (Hebrews 11:3). You are created in His image and likeness thereby you have the ability to speak your world into being.
Your words can destroy your spirit or stir it up, it has the power to destroy and to build you up (proverbs 12:6). The writer of proverbs also wrote that the power of life and death is in your tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Your words don't just affect you but it affects others too and as such you must be mindful of what you say, when and how you say it.
Your words are the reflection of who you are to the world. This is the reason you need to always weigh the impact of your words before you speak them. Do you know that poorly and thoughtless words can kill enthusiasm, cause deep emotional pain, reduce self-esteem, lower expectations, break ones spirit and destroys relationships? If the answer is in affirmative, then you need to always think before you speak. Often times, little words that you take for granted have the power to hurt or heal, discouraged or inspire, hinder or help people.
Les Brown said "your words are powerful. Even more powerful than the words spoken to others are the words you speak into your own mind. From this day forward, when you speak, make conscious effort to have a minimum of 85% of your daily conversation positive, purposeful and profitable. This will strengthen your mindset, create possibilities and attract more abundance into your life. Every time you say or think something negative... STOP. This one practice will dramatically transform your reality"
Your words are vital and you need to be reminded of this truth always. Don't just open your mouth and speak without thinking. Remember every idle word you speak, you will give account of on the judgment day. For by your words you will be justified or condemned (Mattew 12:36)
Become unstoppable by using your words to create your world.
Remain blessed and stay connected for the next episode.


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Have you ever wondered how some people are so successful? Or how some great inventions came about? The answer is simple - They succeeded because they tapped into the hidden power of their mind and they used it to create incredible things. The breakthrough ideas, innovations, discoveries and wealth building ideas start with a simple thought that leads to a belief that says "I CAN..." and that belief is transmitted to the mind with the aim of achieving a specific goal. 
To reap the benefits of the power of the mind, your thoughts and beliefs have to be positive. If they are negative and says "I CAN'T..." then it will be difficult to create what you don't believe you can. You have the power to do things so far beyond what you can ever imagine. 
Your mind is a vast, largely unexplained, source of power. Infact your mind have the ability to alter the reality. No wonder the bible says that we have the mind of Christ (1st cor 2:16)and can do ALL things through Him that strengthens us. 
 The most important fact you need to know is that the mind is always "on" regardless of what you are doing, waiting for you to use it productively. The use of the mind is limitless, this is a fact whether you are willing to admit it and use it to your benefit or not. If you don't, you are missing out on getting the very most of your life.
 W.Clement Stone said "whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve" It is an established fact that whatsoever you conceive in your mind and most deeply believe will come to your life. Your mind have the super powers that you can utilize to your benefit. You need to start taking care of your mind and always be mindful of the thoughts that go through it. 
It seems difficult to imagine that your happiest, saddest and extreme emotional moments are simply nothing more than the illusions created in your mind. It is vital to maintain your mind in a state of positive expectations. Minds power relies on positive thoughts and beliefs, and how you see yourself. Get rid of negative thinking and take the right action. 
Keep striving to achieve the success you want to achieve and keep believing in yourself.

 Remain blessed and stay connected for the next episode.


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It calls for serious consideration when people get to look outside themselves for success. And when they fail, they look for someone to blame.
It is pertinent to note that our parents, uncles/anuties, education and jobs, e.t.c., are not the very keys to our successes. WE ARE.
Nobody writes our destinies except US. Taking full responsibility of our futures is the key to fulfilling our destinies and purposes to which we were created by our maker.

Our maker created us in HIS image and HIS likeness...Gen 1:26.
To be created in HIS image and likeness supposes that we have HIS attributes, which means we have the ability to create things here on earth. It also means that we have HIS functionality, that is, we can function the way HE functions because we have the mind of Christ and can do ALL things through HIM that strengthens us.

Absolutely, nothing is beyond our reach because we have the mind of Christ as long as we dream big, work hard and stay focused.

Most people are scared of what the future holds but the best way to predict the future is to invent it today. Our futures are dependent on what we do today.
This is by discovering the purpose why we were created and chart the course of our destinies vigorously.

Lets stop acting as though anyone owes us any responsibility. Stop wasting our lives thinking we are wasting time. Start doing something, today can be our turning point for our futures start today.
Whenever you feel your dream is losing steam, always turn to your Creator for direction. Don't lose hope, stay focused!
Remain blessed and stay connected for the next episode.