Sometimes in life, situations are going to occur when you look around and you can't find anyone to help you, but I want to remind you of His word that says "they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint and those that put their trust in the Lord CANNOT be put to shame".But while you are waiting on the Lord, don't be idle, be diligent in what you do- "
While you are waiting, don't be afraid to take calculated risks because the most successful people in life are the risk takers. Robert Kuok said (the richest man in Malaysia) "be bold when you see an opportunity, if you are afraid you will never get rich. Bro
You may have done a business in the past and it went bad, hey! Stop mourning your past, start a new one. Remember, the righteous falls seven times and guess what!
I will close with words of Nick Vijucic (a man born without arms and legs) " it is a lie for you to think you are not worth anything, do your best and do leave the rest for God"
Happy new month pals, Shalom and remain blessed stay connected.