4:45 PM 1 Comments A+ a-

Often times I hear some people ask why a good and loving God will allow us go through challenges: sicknesses, financial hardships etc, that if He truly loves us, He will take away all the challenges from us.

Undoubtedly, God's love for mankind is unquestionable and undeniable and that is why He gave His ONLY son to save the world. We all should just know that  becoming a child or follower of Christ does not make one immune to trouble-free life because the god of this world (Satan, the devil) is still in control of it.

Strangely, recently I heard a man who could be adjudged a  "born again Christian". He said: I don't smile or laugh because the world is full of wickedness, sicknesses suffering, maiming etc. After I listened keenly, I thought to myself that this is a show of lack of knowledge of the WORD. No wonder the holy book says that my people perish/destroyed for lack of knowledge.

The truth is that he is not alone in this thought, some people think that because we have confessed Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour then challenges is not meant for us. But hear what the Bible says in John 16:33 NLT "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble but take heart, I have overcome the world"

In this world, adversity will certainly strike but it is not God's plan for you to suffer and live a miserable life but for you to be in good health, prosper and have a desired end. The devil brings all manner of challenges and afflictions our way all in a bid to choke our faith in God. The challenges simply come to test and solidify our faith. That is why we need to build our faith in Christ to the highest level as to enable us handle these challenges when they come because certainly they will come.

Assuredly, Romans 8:28 says ALL things worketh  together for good for to them that love Him therefore, it means that the challenges He allows in our lives are part of the "working together of all things for good". God also assures us that no trial will test us beyond our ability to bear it and he will also provide a way out so that we can stand up to it.
So from henceforth no matter the challenge, BE OF GOOD CHEER!!!
Shalom! Remain blessed and stay connected.


2:54 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Sometimes in life, situations are going to occur when you look  around and you can't  find anyone to help you, but I want to  remind you of His word that says "they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint and those that put their trust in the Lord  CANNOT be put to shame".

But while you are waiting on the Lord, don't be idle, be diligent in what you do- "seeth thou a man diligent in his work, for he shall stand before kings and queens and not ordinary men". While waiting on Him, engage your mind and create multi-billion dollar ideas. You have the ability and grace to create witty inventions, it's inside of you- challenge yourself and you will see it manifest.

While you are waiting,  don't be afraid to take calculated risks because the most successful people in life are the risk takers.  Robert Kuok said (the richest man in Malaysia) "be bold when you see an opportunity, if you are afraid you will never get rich. Bro don't wait for that Uncle to give you money to travel abroad or to start a business, wake up hit the street and work. Babe, don't wait for that guy to pay your bills- he is not your ATM (don't get it twisted lol), find something legitimate and do, get busy- there is dignity in labour.

You may have done  a business in the past and it went bad, hey! Stop mourning your past, start a new one. Remember, the righteous falls seven times and guess what! he rises again.  Wake up from your slumber! Today is November 2nd , and you still have 59 cool days to achieve those dreams and to start that vision you wrote down earlier this year.

I will close with words of Nick Vijucic (a man born without arms and legs) " it is a lie for you to think you are not worth anything, do your best and do leave the rest for God"

Happy new month pals, Shalom and remain blessed  stay connected.